And it has been a BLAST!

Early last week we headed to Mystic Connecticut, and it was beautiful. We ran and played and enjoyed the first really REALLY warm day we'd had all year. It was fabulous.

Then Meem and I boarded a flight (two actually) for the great state of Utah. It was my littlest brother's birthday, and he's leaving for TWO WHOLE YEARS on his mission in a couple of weeks. So it was a sibling reunion. My kind, sweet, magnanimous husband stayed home with the boys.
They didn't miss me in the slightest. No, I'm not kidding. Daddy is WAY more fun than Mom. This I already knew.
I shall simply have to go away more often.
It was the first time ever in the history of my parenting that I went away (other than the overnight births, but that was work and I don't count it).
I got to see Stacy and crew, which was balm to my lonely soul. Oh how I love her and her family.

It was so much fun to be with my family. I have missed them terribly since leaving in January. We stayed up late and laughed until we cried.
I love them. So much. (Not enough to take any pictures, but you know... I was busy!)

And then I came home, and to ease the sting of leaving behind my family, my own sweet boys were waiting for me, with signs they'd colored themselves.
Then I couldn't believe I'd been happy all weekend without them.
Motherhood is a strange disease.
To keep life interesting, my dearest of friends, Maren and her brood of four boys that match mine quite nicely came to stay.

We chased boys, slapped bandaids on the MULTIPLE bloody injuries (BOYS!) and sneaked brownies when the kids weren't looking.
It was very very good.
The two (TWO) toilets that were clogged were remedied by a late evening trip to Walmart for a plunger (who knew I didn't have one??) and my superhero husband.
Derek has been running around nonstop and has to work all weekend.
Poor man is going to need his own weekend away pretty soon.
1 comment:
We had such a good time! My boys are already asking me when we're going to Morgan's house again. I'm so glad you got a picture. I brought my camera but forgot to take it out.
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