Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Then He was Two

He is two. My Ezra is two.

Two years ago today, on a Sunday late morning, he came along, and made our family oh so different, for the better.

We'll celebrate his birthday on Friday when Derek gets here for the weekend. But now, I just keep grinning at him and telling him "You're TWO" and he replies, "TWO!" because, you know, he cares. ;)

He is fiesty, loving, cuddly, and sometimes a bit of a bully. He's learning to not be a bully though. He's improved.

Ezra adores ADORE Miriam. We kept waiting for the novelty to wear off. Yeah, it didn't, it hasn't, it's not going to.

He is learning to communicate, talks a lot, works hard to make his needs known using words (most of the time).

We adore him. He is sweet and funny. We love you, Ezra! Oh so much!

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