Thursday, January 8, 2009


Derek is my husband, father of my children (lest there be any speculation...) breadwinner, PhD student, professor and all-around nice guy.

Why am I saying all this?

Well, first off, it's true.

Secondly, yesterday he commented that when he reads blogs of our friends, he notices that husbands get very little "face time." Children, OF COURSE, the author herself, often enough, but husbands, not so much.

He's right. It's totally true.

But, it is just not that simple.

I asked him, "Would you like ME to blog about YOU more often?"

He replied, "NO! Not at all, it's just an observation."

I didn't relent. "You don't want me to blog about...??" and then I filled in the blanks with various work/school/life issues he's dealing with.

He replied again, "NO! Please don't."

My final clarification on the matter: "So you want other people to blog about their husbands and their goings-on, but not me?"

Derek's answer: "That's correct."

There ya have it. Please, ladies, write more about your husbands, because, well, Derek would like you to. I'll not be participating. But, YOU should.

P.S. I love you, Derek. You're my man, and I'm glad to dedicate this entire post to you. You're my rock star.


Emily said...

Haha, duly noted. Mostly I let Adrian put up his own posts when he feels like it, but you'll know that if I put up something about him it'll be just for you. And your husband. :)

By the way, I rarely comment but I always read your blog. Just so you know.

Unknown said...

Please let Derek know that I regularly try to include topics about Dave and pictures as well on my blog. Does that mean we are an equally exploited couple? Ha ha! His comment is a complete double standard. Man I don't like double standards. I think, just because of what he said, you should blog about him more! He's my brother so I wouldn't mind reading more about what he's doing, such as the razor incident, which was hilarious! You actually do put him on a lot, now that I think about it. The FHE popcorn, Halloween, razor thing, etc. He's there, silly man!

Lynn said...

Doesn't Normal Mormon Husbands about cover it for the rest of us? :) Haha. Yes, my hubby doesn't get mentioned enough on our blog. BUT, he gets more actual face time compared to me because I am always the one taking pictures. It's ridiculously hard to find pictures of me with my girls. So it's heavily laden with my thoughts, but his face. :)

BloggingBills said...

My hubby gets 'face' time because he actually blogs more than I do.
So Derek, son-in-law-whom-I-love-like-a-son, blog and be seen!



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