Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I've been on a vacay of sorts. My awesome sister graduated from college and that meant that serious celebration was necessary. We're headed as a family to Utah next month, so instead of loading folks up, I just kinda hopped on an airplane, after kissing my people good-bye, and went.

Just like that.

Derek didn't even flinch when I headed out the door for basically five days. Please understand, I left ALLLLL of my children with him.

Amazing man, he is.

My goodness, he is amazing.

And so, I flew, and played, and talked my face off, celebrated a birthday, ate naughty food, went to the gym (once) and didn't sleep anywhere near enough to really call it "relaxing", and there was graduation in there too (with mathcing t-shirts!!). It was so good.

And by the end, I was nearly crawling out of my skin with the need to get home. Oh, it was such a great weekend, but then, I needed my babies, my husband, my chicks and ducks, dogs, cats, and everything in between.

I was so relieved to cross the threshold of MY house, my place. And Miriam celebrated by not sleeping all night, cut down with an ear infection.

Things have been majorly crazy since I got home, but I'm so grateful. I'm grateful to be home, grateful for generous family members who BOUGHT MY DANG PLANE TICKET, and mostly for my husband (did I mention his amazing-ness) that allowed to me to be worry-free the whole time.

Heavens. Life is good. I have trouble remembering that more latey than ever before, but I was well-reminded this weekend.


Stacy said...

Why did we not take any pictures whilst we were together so I could be on your blog! Silly, we are.

Unknown said...

Happy dance! Morgan is loved (thank you, sweet Derek). Love all them Hagey kids.

Unknown said...

Happy dance! Morgan is loved (thank you, sweet Derek). Love all them Hagey kids.

Alisa said...

Yay!! You deserved a fun getaway!! Yay to awesome family and an awesome hubby!!


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