Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Day After Halloween!

Halloween started a week ago for us. We had our church "Trunk or Treat" LAST Wednesday.

It was crazytown.

Then it snowed and Oliver shouted out, "IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!" Um. NO. Halloween. HALLOWEEN!

Then it all melted, and everyone in the neighborhood mowed their lawns? I don't get it.

Then on Monday for Family Home Evening, we carved a pumpkin while Daddy skyped in warnings of "OLIVER BACK AWAY FROM THE KNIFE!"

Good times.

Then on Tuesday, my mother came, bearing MORE pumpkins. So MORE carving fun was had by all.


THEN on actual Halloween, I woke up and realized that I was depriving my children of good fun by not having them be in school where there would be parties and candy and fun. Henry even saw some kids walking past our house in costume and said sadly, "Maybe they are having a party in their class."


So, we loaded up and headed to the Tracy Aviary in SLC which was hosting the most fun Halloween things ever! They have an Owl Forest for crying out loud. REAL owls. What with our reading of the Harry Potter, (we're four chapters into Chamber of Secrets), owls are loved around here. Vultures, condors, flamingos, OH MY! Plus trick or treating all over the Aviary. Yes. It was a good thing to do on Halloween. Plus it was 50% off admission for those in costume. WIN!

THEN, after a fun afternoon of non-Halloween playing with friends, my family arrived from hither thither and yon to celebrate.

The theme of costumes this year was "SUPER HEROS!"

My older sister, Sarah, had decided that if you were a girl, you needed a tutu. All the girls, From Miri on up.

So, that was a lot of tulle.

Miri was baby "Hulk"

She was unimpressed.

Grown ups in TUTUS!

All the girls as superheros in tutus. Oh the fun we had.

My little band of heros.

The boys were NOT required to wear tutus. I suppose that was sexist of us...

Then we trick or treated our feet off, Ezra determined to use his cuteness factor to score more candy than anyone else. After our fun day, poor Oliver was begging to go home and be done.

We skyped Daddy throughout the evening, but it wasn't the same, and we are so glad that he'll be here for both Thanksgiving AND Christmas and then we should be all living under one roof again.

So, today, we are tired and groggy and all the grown ups drank all my Diet Coke last night (they were allowed to, I just should have bought MORE!). So that'll need to be remedied.

And NaNoWriMo starts today. I figure, why the heck NOT? I mean, I have nothing better to do. Five kids as a single mom? I definitely should write a novel in 30 days.

Happy Hung Over Day After Halloween everybody!!!

1 comment:

Corinne said...

you likes you all had lots of fun!!


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