Monday, December 21, 2009

Wisemen Still Seek Him

Time now for another Christmas Post, because it would be weird to post it in April. NOW is the time, people!

Tonight, we are planning a Family Home Evening all about the Nativity. Henry kind of knows the story, and Spencer is getting old enough to start to understand. If you ask him "When is Jesus' birthday?" He answers, "CHRISTMAS!" but then again, he might just think that is a coincidence...


I'm excited about the part about the new star. It's a symbol that I think the boys will understand. A new star, a literal celestial miracle occurred to show the world that their Savior had come.

I think of the wisemen, following that star. What faith they must have had, to just follow, to stop all they were doing, and go. No angels came to the wisemen. (The shepards had that priviledge....) They did not hear and see the Heavenly choir praising God. They just saw a star, and went and found their Lord. Even with distractions and fear from the outside world, they pressed onward, they stayed the course. It took them two years to find the King of Kings. But they found him.

As the Lord calls me, am I prepared? Am I ready to stop, and follow? To look up and accept a command to answer the simple call "Come follow me"? I hope each day that I am indeed following the new star to find my Lord.

Some days it is more of a battle than others. Even during Christmas, the distractions pile on, until you can barely find the truth of Christmas beneath the mounds of sugar cookies and glittery lights. So, I have to do what I can to remind myself to find the Lord.

And each day, He comes bearing the gifts. The gift of redemption, of forgiveness, of eternal life. It's a small sacrifice to do what He asks of me, to be the receipient of His Grace.

"Three Kings Found the Lord, and so can we!" ~Michael McLean's Forgotten Carols~


Jen said...

Nice message! I love that little nativity movie--I played it in YW yesterday with the sound down and the song Breathe of Heaven playing--so pretty together!

Morgan Hagey said...

Yes! Jen- it's amazing that Breath of Heaven TOTALLY fits exactly! CRAZY! I love it.

Lanette said...

I've posted here before, about your post on Mary, the mother of Christ. This time, I'm leaving my name! Another beautiful post - if you don't mind I think I may use your message tomorrow night (Christmas Eve) at our annual family devotional in front of the Christmas tree (I will certainly point out that I read it on your blog to give credit where credit is due).
Again - truly beautiful post!

Morgan Hagey said...

Lanette- thanks for leaving your name. :) You can absolutely use this tomorrow. I'd love it. Thanks for stopping by again.

Carolyn said...

Great post! I love the video too.


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