Thursday, December 17, 2009

I dreamed a dream in days gone by...

Oh my gosh you guys! I have such exciting news! Hang on to your hats!


I've been having dreams lately. Psychic dreams. They lead me to believe that good things are in my future...

What's good things?

Well, I have had not one, but TWO dreams that I am on vacation in NYC. Seriously. They were fantastic dreams. I mean, like NO kids, just Derek and I, at a show, walking Time's Square, eating at fantastic hole-in-the-wall restaurants.

The other day, I was having such a great time with Derek, that I was QUITE frustrated when Spencer woke me up. (Like I said, in my dreams, the children are NOT invited.)

So, I have taken these dreams as a sign. A sign that I freaking need a vacation. Not just that, but I need a vacation without my children. (Any mother can tell you a "vacation" wherein children come along is NOT a vacation. As my mom would say, you are merely relocating.)

Oh my gosh. I can't believe I just said that. I have never left my children for any reason other than births! And then they are with their daddy. But let's face it, births are WORK, so they do not count as a vacation.

I need a break, oh so much.

So, I jumped on the interwebs and started looking up flights, hotels, etc. Dude, I am GOING. Dereks' invited too. When? Meh. That's the tricky part.

What to do with the kids? I'm not worried. We'll stock the fridge and pantry and lock the doors from the outside. They'll be FINE for a few days.


 Relax, I'm only joking. That is what grandparents are for, DUH!

Listen, I am SO excited! When/how/what/where/howtopayforitall are left to be determined. But this is happening, for the sake of all our happiness'. It's a MUST.

And it's a when, not an if.



Unknown said...

Oh good luck. We were lucky enough to finally get a 3 day trip last year - oh wow was it needed. I miss NY and I know you are the same way. Oh, a trip to NY would be fantastic - especially right before Tony cut off's (really good time because there is more to choose from and slightly lowered prices).

Anyhow, love you tons and let us know what we can do to help you achieve that much needed "time away."

I think parents should get a short weekend every year or a longer trip every other. Vital to the marriage.

The Wolford Family said...

Well I say that sounds like a GREAT idea!!! What a smart girl you are ;)

McEuens said...

Fabulous idea! Much better than the let's-get-a-puppy plan! ;)

Manda said...

Fun! I will be jealous an happy for you, but mostly happy :)

Yasmine said...

Good for you. If you wait for a convenient time it will never come. You just have to do it. Carpe Vacatium-- Sieze the Vacation!

Carly said...

Seriously, get away. It's invigorating and only makes you love your children and spouse more? See? Vacation is good for all parties involved.

BloggingBills said...

I am totally willing to be the grandparent in "that's what grandparents are for, DUH!" but we have a little problem: I work at a paying job taking care of other people's children not related to me. So when I am on summer break would be a better time, if you can wait that long. Otherwise, I'd have to take them to school with me and that would never work. I need my job too much. But (and I haven't consulted with your dad about this) summer is okay with me. Not all summer mind you, but your couple of days summer is just fine.

Morgan Hagey said...

Hee hee Mom.... I have babies due straight up til summer. If it ever happens, it would be summer. Thanks for the offer. I'll let you know.

Alisa said...


C. J. said...

If grandparents are unavailable, I know a nanny I can hook you up with who would love a little pro-bono with your adorable boys. ;-)


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