Sunday, October 12, 2008


From Cold day in October

"What am I looking at?" you ask.

Here's another hint:
From Cold day in October

THAT'S RIGHT! My children, wearing WARM CLOTHING. It was only in the low 60's yesterday, and after months (and I am not exaggerating) and months of being so hot I thought I'd die, we got some relief. It won't last, it'll be 90 by Friday, but still. We're going to enjoy it while it lasts.

We found a new park, and the boys LOVED it. It has a skate park on the far end and the kids loved watching the big boys play... until a bunch of them lit up some doobies. Then we left. (Oh well, it's Vegas, right?)

The playground part was happily a drug-free zone so we stayed over there after that. Here is Henry doing his favorite park activity:
From Cold day in October

It's hard to see but he's chasing pigeons. He loves how they fly away from him. It's pretty funny.

If Henry is doing something, Spencer follows, even if he's too little:
From Cold day in October

It was a blast. And I had so much more energy because I wasn't dying of the heat. We stayed a whole hour, which has never happened before. Woohoo, my Mom-Of-The-Year award should be arriving any day now.


Chelsea said...

That picture of Spencer and Henry belly swinging is possibly my new favorite picture in the entire world. I love those boys and miss you all so much. I wish I could foresee a visit in the near future. I may have to wait till theater camp, though and that is SO sad!

That picture made my day, though.
I honest to goodness DID pray since we last talked that you guys would get a taste of Fall or at least some rain. Makes me wonder...

BloggingBills said...

Yeah! I am happy for you!
Of course we had snow and so did Sarah, so your good fortune was my grumpy day!


Yasmine said...

I feel you about that Target dinosaur. I've had to pull both my boys away from that display. Begging. And crying. Why do they have that thing in there? It's just mean.

Erin said...

I am glad it is finally cooling off...we haven't had to turn the airconditioner on at night in a few days! It's a miracle. :-)


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