Thursday, August 27, 2015

And so the school year begins

I barely had time to get a picture. None of Henry. Sigh. 

It'll be hit or miss for the next couple of weeks while we get going, then go out of town, then come back into it all. But we started school today.

Henry, 4th, Spencer 3rd, Oliver 1st, and Ezra who is still four declaring that he is in Kindergarten. Fine. Kindergarten.

We're trying a lot of new things this year. New math curriculum, new reading/writing, new units, new subjects, new everything. It's ALLLLL new.

I'm trying to just do what I know is best for my family, you know? And every day, it's like I have to make that decision again.

And every morning, I have to decide to get up and do it.

It's hard.

I don't wish it was different, because I know this is so good, for so many reasons.

But today, when the baby was hysterical because I was merely HOLDING him, but not PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM, and Miriam needed potty help, and Ezra was mad because... I don't know, and the boys were fighting about I don't know what...

I was overwhelmed.

I love homeschooling. I love what it offers us in flexibilty, in different learning styles, in time together, I really really do.

There is always that doubt, that niggling question, "Am I doing the right thing?" It's like I can't ever just go forward with confidence. I always feel like I'm just not sure.

Regardless of my worries, the boy just jumped right in, the new things merely new and fun, not big and scary like I see them.

So I'm grateful.

It's going to be an adventure; different than ever before. I'm excited for the new things we'll see and do.

I need to chill. They are happy. They are learning. It's really all going very well.

I mean, all one day of it so far.

Happy first day! Only 179 to go.


Grammy Hagey said...

You've got it. The boys don't see your fears or exasperation with the curriculum, they only know it's time for school and learning is fun. You're a super-mom to handle six at once. Don't ever give up. Don't ever give in to discouragement, it's Satan's favorite tool. You're the best. Hugs. See you next week.

gaiasky said...

Good for you! I never EVER thought i'd consider home school but now that my twins are going to be three and there are SO many resources out there I am definitely considering it. I see my friends with kids in school and they essentially live in their car during the school year. Drop off, pick up, volunteer...then home for dinner and bed. There's no family time. And the things they are teaching in school? What 2nd grader needs algebra?? I dunno...maybe they do....but I digress. I'm seriously thinking about home school and i'm SO proud of my friends with kids in multiple grades doing it because IT LOOKS HARD. Kudos for you! :D



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